I love this! Just what I needed! Little pandas, the Ghost of Nixon, Frank and Mikey as reporters, Mommee Mei as Head Referee, Six and Sebben, Mittens found guilty, guilty guilty, etc.!
You are a rock star. And, yes, Felon 45 but I have checked out on watching/reading the news for my own self-preservation. I just pray we have something close to a country by the end of all this.
I love this! Just what I needed! Little pandas, the Ghost of Nixon, Frank and Mikey as reporters, Mommee Mei as Head Referee, Six and Sebben, Mittens found guilty, guilty guilty, etc.!
WE will keep panda-ing on as long as we can. Glad you are here too.
Loved this!!! Thank you!!!!
You are a rock star. And, yes, Felon 45 but I have checked out on watching/reading the news for my own self-preservation. I just pray we have something close to a country by the end of all this.
I too have dialed my news consumption WAY back. I hope we will get though this somehow. I'm glad you're here.
Absolutely LOVED the year in review each month summed up perfectly! ❤️❤️
Thank you. I’m glad you’re here.